Sorry I have not been posting. Things have been crazy busy and I’m taking a little blogger’s vaca. Don’t you worry your pretty little face, I’ll be posting again soon.
In the absence of my posts, I recommend you get a hobby (real housewives of NYC reference). Better yet, go out this weekend and find a nice, upstanding boy or girl (or in-between – I don’t judge. You do you) and have a wholesome weekend with them. Here are some pickup lines you can use:
Can I be your enzyme, because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction
If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes
You’re so hot, you denature my proteins
Hey hottie! Will a little more alcohol help catalyze this reaction?
I want to work on your leucine zipper with my zinc fingers
If you were oxygen, I would totes be an alkali metal so I could get in you and explode!
Are you an alpha-carbon, because you look susceptible to backside attack
How would you like my endoplasmic reticulum: smooth or rough?
You remind me of telophase – I just can’t stop looking at your cleavage
I’d go down on your concentration gradient
Yup, its confirmed. I’m a nerd.
Have a great weekend, everyone! xoxo